Category: AWS

  • AWS EC2 User Data

    AWS EC2 User Data

    AWS EC2 User Data User data means the launch script for your EC2. For example, you can create a User Data to download a website from git and put it to the web folder. So you do not need to do any setup by SSH after launch. Another function is do some basic setup so…

  • Setup EC2 with Instance Connect

    Setup EC2 with Instance Connect

    This is a simplified version to setup an EC2 without Putty or SSH on client side (Desktop or Laptop). Login to your AWS account. Choose us-west-2 region. Go to EC2 page. Setup Security Group On the left-hand-side menu -> Network & Security -> Security Groups -> “Create security group” button Under Basic details Security…

  • AWS DynamoDB CLI

    AWS DynamoDB CLI

    AWS DynamoDB CLI Make sure your json file is UTF-8 without BOM. Make sure your json file is UTF-8 without BOM. Make sure your json file is UTF-8 without BOM. Find current region Run: Output: List all Dynamodb tables Run: Output: List local Dynamodb tables Run: Output: Describe one Dynamodb tables We had one preset…

  • AWS Cloud9 CLI

    AWS Cloud9 CLI

    AWS Cloud9 CLI Create a new Cloud9 in ap-east-1. Linux Update Run: Output: Update AWS CLI Check current AWS CLI version. It should be version 1.x Run: Output: Update AWS CLI Run: Output: Reboot to use the CLI version 2. Run: Output: Install Python SDK boto3 Run: Output: Setup/Check AKSK Setup AKSK Run: Output: Read…

  • AWS S3 CLI

    AWS S3 CLI

    AWS S3 CLI You can use the AWS CLI in Mac, Linux or Windows. Make sure you did setup the AKSK in your computer or use Cloud9 to do these tasks. CLI help Run: Find current region Run: Output: Create bucket Create bucket current region Run: Output: Create bucket in another region Run: Output: Remove…

  • AWS API Gateway HTTP

    AWS API Gateway HTTP

    (Continue from Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs at any scale. API developers can create APIs that access AWS or other web services, as well as data stored in the AWS Cloud. It support 4 API types: HTTP API WebSocket API…

  • AWS Lambda Function URL

    AWS Lambda Function URL

    AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service which can work with other AWS services in a private AWS environment. It is very powerful and low cost but it does not have a public URL for public to invoke the function. So we must use API Gateway as a frontend then pass the request to Lambda,…

  • AWS Kinesis

    Kinesis Data Streams Kinesis Data Streams is for use cases that require custom processing, choice of stream processing frameworks, and sub-second processing latency. Each shard can support up to 1,000 PUT records per second. However, you can increase the number of shards limitlessly. One shard provides a capacity of 1 MB/sec data input and 2…

  • AWS exam tips

    AWS exam tips

    What type of questions in AWS exams? They only have Multiple Choice (MC) questions, either one answer or multiple answers. NO fill in the blanks, short question, long question or any other types of questions. So you don’t need to do spelling or complicated calculation. If the question has multiple answers, they will tell you…

  • AWS S3 find bucket owner

    Firstly, you need to find your Canonical ID. ( The canonical user ID is the Amazon S3–only concept. It is a 64-character obfuscated version of the account ID. Therefore you can’t get anything out of the canonical user ID because it’s almost certainly a one-way hash. Then, you can find the bucket ID to see…