Tag: aws

  • How to use CodeCommit

    How to use CodeCommit

    What is AWS CodeCommit? AWS CodeCommit is a version control service hosted by Amazon Web Services that is Git server on AWS. Why you want to use CodeCommit? Copy from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/welcome.html Setup for HTTPS users using Git credentials The simplest way to set up connections to AWS CodeCommit repositories is to configure Git credentials for CodeCommit…

  • AWS Cloud9 CLI for Amazon Linux 2

    AWS Cloud9 CLI for Amazon Linux 2

    Linux Update Update AWS CLI Install Python SDK boto3 Setup/Check AKSK Setup AKSK Read current temporary AKSK Role Check current IAM Role Check other Role Get user info Meta Data Check Meta-data jq Install jq Test jq AWS Cloud9 CLI Create a new Cloud9 in us-west-2. Select t3.small Linux Update Run: sudo yum -y update…

  • Setup Cloud9 Ubuntu 1804

    AWS Cloud9 CLI Create a new Cloud9 in ap-east-1. Linux Update Run: Output: Update AWS CLI Check current AWS CLI version. It should be version 1.x Run: Output: Update AWS CLI Run: Output: Reboot to use the CLI version 2. Run: Output: Install Python SDK boto3 Run: Output: Setup/Check AKSK Setup AKSK Run: Output: Read…

  • SageMaker demo3 house sale

    House Sales in King County, USA We will use the dataset from kaggle for this lab. Please download it from the link. This dataset contains house sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle. It includes homes sold between May 2014 and May 2015. It’s a great dataset for evaluating simple regression models. Run: Output: Prepare the data…

  • SAGEMAKER DEMO 1 – Fixed Deposit

    SAGEMAKER DEMO 1 – Fixed Deposit As a sales manager in a bank, you are asked to increase the bank revenue by finding customer to do fixed deposit. Instead of cold call each client, can we use Machine Learning to find the potential customers? Step 1: Create an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance Firstly, you create…

  • ECR using AWS CLI with docker

    ECR using AWS CLI with docker

    Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is the docker hub in AWS. Cloud9 Create a Cloud9 instance for this example. Install or update the AWS CLI Run: Check AWS CLI version Run: Output: Install Docker in Ubuntu Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Install Docker CE Run: Output: Output: check Docker status Run: Output: Docker…

  • minikube installation on Ubuntu

    minikube installation on Ubuntu

    minikube installation on Ubuntu Please install Docker in your Ubuntu first. Install minikube Run: Output: Add permission for non-root user Run: Output: Interact with your cluster Run: Output: Output: Make alias Run: Output: Run: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output:

  • Docker Installation on Ubuntu

    Docker Installation on Ubuntu

    Docker Installation on Ubuntu https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ Check Linux distro We will use Ubuntu. Run: Output: Install Docker Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Install Docker CE Run: Output: Output: check Docker status Run: Output: Docker command Run: Output: If you have one server/EC2 instance only, you may want to use minikube.



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  • AWS EC2 User Data

    AWS EC2 User Data

    AWS EC2 User Data User data means the launch script for your EC2. For example, you can create a User Data to download a website from git and put it to the web folder. So you do not need to do any setup by SSH after launch. Another function is do some basic setup so…