Author: Teach One To Fish

  • VS Code configs

    VS Code has many features but also it will have different settings in different computer. Some common setup can be found below. Configure display Language Change display language. Ctrl+Shift+P -> Configure display language -> Select your language Terminal Profiles If you can open terminal, then you can switch to another terminal from the terminal…

  • Hacking news

    Hacking news

    This is a page of hacking news. Carousell 遭外媒揭發 涉 260 萬用戶資料外洩或遭轉售 官方向用戶發信稱偶發事件2022年10月24日週一 近日出現大量海外簽帳 渣打信用卡疑被集體盜用2022年12月8日週四

  • Setup EC2 with Instance Connect

    Setup EC2 with Instance Connect

    This is a simplified version to setup an EC2 without Putty or SSH on client side (Desktop or Laptop). Login to your AWS account. Choose us-west-2 region. Go to EC2 page. Setup Security Group On the left-hand-side menu -> Network & Security -> Security Groups -> “Create security group” button Under Basic details Security…

  • AWS DynamoDB CLI

    AWS DynamoDB CLI

    AWS DynamoDB CLI Make sure your json file is UTF-8 without BOM. Make sure your json file is UTF-8 without BOM. Make sure your json file is UTF-8 without BOM. Find current region Run: Output: List all Dynamodb tables Run: Output: List local Dynamodb tables Run: Output: Describe one Dynamodb tables We had one preset…

  • AWS Cloud9 CLI

    AWS Cloud9 CLI

    AWS Cloud9 CLI Create a new Cloud9 in ap-east-1. Linux Update Run: Output: Update AWS CLI Check current AWS CLI version. It should be version 1.x Run: Output: Update AWS CLI Run: Output: Reboot to use the CLI version 2. Run: Output: Install Python SDK boto3 Run: Output: Setup/Check AKSK Setup AKSK Run: Output: Read…

  • AWS S3 CLI

    AWS S3 CLI

    AWS S3 CLI You can use the AWS CLI in Mac, Linux or Windows. Make sure you did setup the AKSK in your computer or use Cloud9 to do these tasks. CLI help Run: Find current region Run: Output: Create bucket Create bucket current region Run: Output: Create bucket in another region Run: Output: Remove…

  • Composer in ISPConfig

    Install Composer in ISPConfig Find the user of your domain from the ISPConfig admin panel. It should be web[number], EG. web1. Login SSH as root. Modify /etc/passwd, search web?, Change /bin/false to /bin/bash Change folder protection. Be Careful Change folder ownership login as web user Download and install composer (one time only). Check composer Output: Composer…

  • AWS API Gateway HTTP

    AWS API Gateway HTTP

    (Continue from Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs at any scale. API developers can create APIs that access AWS or other web services, as well as data stored in the AWS Cloud. It support 4 API types: HTTP API WebSocket API…

  • AWS Lambda Function URL

    AWS Lambda Function URL

    AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service which can work with other AWS services in a private AWS environment. It is very powerful and low cost but it does not have a public URL for public to invoke the function. So we must use API Gateway as a frontend then pass the request to Lambda,…

  • AWS Kinesis

    Kinesis Data Streams Kinesis Data Streams is for use cases that require custom processing, choice of stream processing frameworks, and sub-second processing latency. Each shard can support up to 1,000 PUT records per second. However, you can increase the number of shards limitlessly. One shard provides a capacity of 1 MB/sec data input and 2…