Author: Teach One To Fish

  • SageMaker demo3 house sale

    House Sales in King County, USA We will use the dataset from kaggle for this lab. Please download it from the link. This dataset contains house sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle. It includes homes sold between May 2014 and May 2015. It’s a great dataset for evaluating simple regression models. Run: Output: Prepare the data…

  • SAGEMAKER DEMO 1 – Fixed Deposit

    SAGEMAKER DEMO 1 – Fixed Deposit As a sales manager in a bank, you are asked to increase the bank revenue by finding customer to do fixed deposit. Instead of cold call each client, can we use Machine Learning to find the potential customers? Step 1: Create an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance Firstly, you create…

  • Convert mov to mp4 in Mac for free

    Convert mov to mp4 in Mac for free

    By default, if you do screen recording in Mac, it is saved as QuickTime .mov format. If you want to convert to mp4 for more common format in the public and smaller file size, you can use ffmpeg to do it. Install ffmpeg by Brew. Then run command in terminal. That’s it. The file in…

  • Protected: CUSCS – Certification in Machine Learning – Machine Learning Algorithms

    Protected: CUSCS – Certification in Machine Learning – Machine Learning Algorithms

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q4 2022) 香港保安觀察報告 (2022年第四季度)

    Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q4 2022) 香港保安觀察報告 (2022年第四季度)

    Reference from Tips for Safe Online Shopping 網上購物安全貼士 Security Advice Malicious email is one of the spreading channels of AgentTesla. Moreover, different variants of AgentTesla have already appeared on the Internet. Hence, HKCERT recommends users to: 保安建議 AgentTesla 的其中一個傳播途俓是以惡意電郵附件誘導用戶開啟,而網上更已出現多個變種版本,因此HKCERT 建議用戶:

  • Free Data source for Machine Learning

    Free Data source for Machine Learning

    Computer Vision Fashion MNIST Fashion-MNIST is a dataset of Zalando’s article images—consisting of a training set of 60,000 examples and a test set of 10,000 examples. Each example is a 28×28 grayscale image, associated with a label from 10 classes. FREE Datasets TensorFlow Datasets TensorFlow Datasets is a collection of datasets ready to use.…

  • ECR using AWS CLI with docker

    ECR using AWS CLI with docker

    Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is the docker hub in AWS. Cloud9 Create a Cloud9 instance for this example. Install or update the AWS CLI Run: Check AWS CLI version Run: Output: Install Docker in Ubuntu Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Install Docker CE Run: Output: Output: check Docker status Run: Output: Docker…

  • Jupyter Tips

    Jupyter Tips

    Basic Keyboard Shortcuts Tab Completion listing available modules on import listing available modules after import function completion variable completion listing relative path directory contents Jupyter Magic Functions List of the available magic commands %lsmagic Jupyter Magic Functions Available cell magics: Automagic is ON, % prefix IS NOT needed for line magics. Display plots inline Run…

  • minikube installation on Ubuntu

    minikube installation on Ubuntu

    minikube installation on Ubuntu Please install Docker in your Ubuntu first. Install minikube Run: Output: Add permission for non-root user Run: Output: Interact with your cluster Run: Output: Output: Make alias Run: Output: Run: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output:

  • Docker Installation on Ubuntu

    Docker Installation on Ubuntu

    Docker Installation on Ubuntu Check Linux distro We will use Ubuntu. Run: Output: Install Docker Run: Output: Run: Output: Run: Output: Install Docker CE Run: Output: Output: check Docker status Run: Output: Docker command Run: Output: If you have one server/EC2 instance only, you may want to use minikube.